22nd meetup – Cloudera on HBase and Scoop

It has been quite a while since we actually posted something on our website. Wow!!! Time really flies.

On April 4th 2014, we had our 22nd meetup already. Klaas Bosteels was able to attract 2 prominent speakers from Cloudera who were touring Europe and presenting at the 2014 Hadoop Summit in Amsterdam.

  1. Jon Hsieh (Software Engineer @ Cloudera and HBase Committer/PMC Member) talked about Apache HBase: Now and the futureApache HBase is a distributed non-relational database that provides low-latency random read write access to massive quantities of data. This talk will be broken up into two parts. First I’ll talk about how in the past few years, HBase has been deployed in production at companies like Facebook, Pinterest, Groupon, and eBay and about the vibrant community of contributors from around the world include folks at Cloudera, Salesforce.com, Intel, HortonWorks, Yahoo!, and XiaoMi. Second I’ll talk about the features in the newest release 0.96.x and in the upcoming 0.98.x release.
  2. Kate Ting (Technical Account Manager @ Cloudera and Sqoop Committer/PMC Member, co-author of the Apache Sqoop Cookbook) presented Apache Sqoop: Unlock HadoopUnlocking data stored in an organization’s RDBMS and transferring it to Apache Hadoop is a major concern in the big data industry. Apache Sqoop enables users with information stored in existing SQL tables to use new analytic tools like Apache HBase and Apache Hive. This talk will go over how to deploy and apply Sqoop in your environment as well as transferring data from MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Netezza, Teradata, and other relational systems. In addition, we’ll show you how to keep table data and Hadoop in sync by importing data incrementally as well as how to customize transferred data by calling various database functions.

And of course, Accenture was so kind to host us at their gorgeous venue in Brussels with that spectacular view! They presented their Big Data Challenge where 4 teams of about 5 consultants deep dived into big data and data science to solve some practical cases. You can get in touch with their consultants to know more.

At least the elaborated example on real-time predicting the delays of  public transport was really interesting. It made my hands itch to start a new BigData.be project!

See you next time!

Author: wim.vanleuven

I am passionate about software and the power of elegant architectures. Avid believer of the opportunities brought by Big Data. Co-founder at BigBoards.io